Pensions Articles

Expat financial advice from the experts

enhanced pension transfer

Enhanced Pension Transfers – What you should know

Enhanced Pension Transfers If you have been part of a company pension scheme, specifically a Defined Benefit scheme, also called DB scheme, then you may have come across the term “Enhanced Pension Transfer”. The explanation of this is not always clear and we will be going into greater detail in this blog. Background on Defined […]

UK pension transfer to the Netherthands

How can I transfer my UK pension to the Netherlands?

If you have worked in the UK, built up a UK pension either personal or via the company you were working for, there are options available to transfer your UK pension to the Netherlands. Within this blog, we will be looking at: Options available for transferring a UK Pension to the Netherlands A QROPS and […]

UK Pension Transfer to Australia

UK Pension Transfer to Australia – Consider your options

Australia is one of the most popular destinations for British expats and it’s easy to see why. A fantastic climate, the English language, a stable economy and good healthcare all contribute to the reason why many Brits make the long journey. Once settled one of the key areas that people need to address is their pension and […]

UK Pension Transfer to Switzerland

UK Pension Transfer to Switzerland – Things to consider

There is good news for the UK and Switzerland relationship. The insurance sector post-Brexit will continue to trade freely. The two nations struck a deal at the World Economic Forum in Davos on the 25th of January. This is one of the first positive moves we see from the UK towards a productive relationship with […]

uk pension transfer to portugal

UK pension transfer to Portugal

Are you one of the lucky expats living in Portugal?  A country filled with stunning sceneries, superb beaches, friendly locals and where the sun glows all summer long?  If you are living in this beautiful country or you are planning to, have you thought about a UK pension transfer to Portugal? Your exceptional position as […]

UK pension transfer to Italy

UK Pension Transfer to Italy – How does it work?

Pensions are a key issue for many if not all European states. If you are thinking of moving back to Italy after having lived and worked in the UK, take some time to examine your pension situation. If this is your most important source of income that you have, a UK pension transfer to Italy […]

UK pension transfer to Spain

UK pension transfer to Spain – Things to know

If you’re looking for somewhere relaxing and sunny to retire, then look no further,  Spain is the place for you. What more could you ask for than living in the sun and enjoying some Spanish tapas in a  friendly environment?  For those of you who live in Spain or plan to do so, have you […]

johnston press pension

Do you hold a Johnston Press Pension?

Do you a hold a Johnston Press Pension? In mid-November the Johnston Press Pension Scheme headed to the Pension Protection Fund (PPF)as part of a deal to keep the publisher afloat. If you are a member of the Johnston Press Pension Scheme you should have received a letter from the trustees informing you of this. Johnston Press Pension […]

Expat Pension Sharing Order for UK Company Pensions

Expat Pension Sharing Order for UK Company Pensions

Expat Pension Sharing Order for UK Company Pensions Pension sharing order for UK company pensions has become more and more common in recent times. The process itself is not overly complex and there are a number of companies in the UK, who can assist with this. The issue arises when you are no longer a […]

brooklands sipp

Do you hold a Brooklands SIPP?

Brooklands SIPP First of all, if you are a Brooklands SIPP holder then you will have been well aware of the negative press they have been receiving. Indeed, while the name Brooklands SIPP has become synonymous with misselling of SIPP’s. As a result, the FSCS (Financial Services Compensation Scheme) is paying out to clients who invested in their […]